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It's about who you are becoming

It's about who you are becoming

We concentrate on the past too much.

I know, that's a blanket statement but I do it so I'm assuming you do too.  When I'm not being present in the moment, I judge myself for all the ways I have "failed" but forget to celebrate all the ways I succeeded.  

On the flip side I tend to reward myself for working hard to achieve something and forget that I am allowed to have what I desire simply because I exist and of course as long as I harm no one in the getting.

I read a book called "The Obstacle is the Way" by Ryan Holiday, and I love the premise.  Every problem is an invitation to grow. To become.  Every delay is just the opportunity for us to expand even further into the person who can hold the vision.

Most days I feel ordinary but I know what Divine desire feels like and when inspiration strikes I trust that I am exactly who I need to be to take action, create the thing, speak the words and BE.

Today, before the sizzle and zap of knowing hits me it's about becoming so that when lightning strikes I can be consumed by it trusting that on the other side is nothing short of magic.

That's what this Honey was - an idea delivered to me in the form of a vision during a meditation - SIX MONTHS AGO.    Now we're live, selling delicious honey infused with powerful intentions and 24K gold. 

Wonder Woman

Before Diana, today with the website live and sales coming in, I feel like Wonder Woman!