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Make it Sacred

Make it Sacred

Make it sacred. 

Make it ALL sacred. 

Make love sacred. Make receiving sacred. Make bathing sacred. Make sex sacred. Make your tears sacred. Make your dancing sacred. 

Make BEing sacred.

Make it ALL sacred.....

And for all the business owners out there, make your money sacred!  Create a ritual around giving and receiving money in your business.   Celebrate every penny that comes to you in any form those pennies take. 

Client paid an invoice?  Great!  Celebrate and make it sacred.

Received a refund from a vendor? Great!  Celebrate and make it sacred too!

Tripped over a penny on the ground? AMAZING!  Celebrate and MAKE IT SACRED.

Envision the prosperity you are sending back out when you pay your bills or process your payroll.

Make a coffee (or tea, wine, water) date with your money.  Set aside time every week, if not every day, to cozy up to your money.  Get curious about its energy and how it wants to contribute to YOU.

Make it ALL sacred in whatever way lights you up.

Just make it sacred.

(here ends the lecture.......)